Optimum health: Feeling bloated? It could be food sensitivity

Fitness expert Richelle Melde

Fitness expert Richelle Melde
(Photo courtesy of Hollye Schumacher Photography)


Many of us live each day thinking that it is “normal” to feel bloated, lethargic, achy, gassy — The list goes on. This is very far from the truth.

In fact, all of these symptoms are an indication that you are eating something that doesn’t agree with you, otherwise known as food intolerance or food sensitivity. This type of intolerance is not an allergy to a food like the kind that needs to be treated immediately, such as a bee sting, but rather food intolerances are more delayed having reaction times from one hour all the way up to three days post consumption!

The four most common foods that can cause these reactions are corn, soy, dairy and gluten. Corn and soy are ingredients in almost every processed food, so unless you eat real food, it is impossible to avoid.

Gluten is the protein found in wheat, barley and rye. It changes the texture and taste of grains, so it is added to make food more palatable. And unless it’s raw dairy, it is highly processed and pumped full of chemicals, causing insidious reactions in your body and being stored in fat tissue.

Your gut controls 80-85 percent of your immune system, which is another reason to maintain digestive health. If you find that you are often sick, you might consider cleaning up your eating (and reducing stress) to help preserve your immune function.

Richelle Melde is the Fitness Expert for News Channel 12 EVB Live show (Phoenix, Ariz.) and has been seen on Fox, CBS, NBC and ABC, as well as in the AZ Republic and Business Journal. She has a B.S. in Psychology, Sociology and Women’s Studies and is a CHEK Practitioner and Holistic Life Coach.

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