The Line Of Dissent:Gay Outsiders and the Shaping of History Special to Lesbian.com Most people know Andrea Dworkin simply as…
By Felice Cohen Special to Lesbian.com In this candid coming-of-age memoir — as compelling as a novel — Felice chronicles…
By Patricia Grayhall Special to Lesbian.com “Making The Rounds: Defying The Norms in Love and Medicine” Defying expectations of a…
Excerpt traces a visit in June 1931 by photographer George Platt Lynes to the country home of Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas.
By Melanie Mitzner Special to Lesbian.com Set in 1990s New York, Slow Reveal paints a portrait of artists who defy…
Cohen tells the story of a love that has lasted for over fifty years.