Note: Jenn Fitzpatrick is the little sister of AfterEllen senior editor Heather Hogan.
When Liz Cheney announced on Fox News in November that she supports the traditional definition of marriage (despite the fact that her sister Mary Cheney is very publicly gay and married), I don’t think any of us were surprised. After all, Liz is getting properly trounced in her Senate run by incumbent Mike Enzi in the conservative bastion of Wyoming, and we all know that when it comes to Republican primaries, the only direction to run is farther right. Ms. Cheney has been pressed on this issue before; after all, having a lesbian sister is something of a quandary if you want to be in office and also keep being a Republican. Also unsurprising is the fact that former vice-president Dick Cheney came out in support of his straight daughter’s position (against his gay daughter’s civil rights).
I, too, am a straight, married woman with gay sister living in a hyper-conservative state. So Liz, forgive my familiarity, but I’d like to address you personally, since we do share some common ground.
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