It’s no secret that the economic recession currently has people all over the United States scrambling for jobs. From coast to coast men and women, regardless of gender and sexuality, are finding themselves unemployed when they least expect it. Sometimes, while lost and desperate for money, people turn to the oddest of jobs just to keep the cash coming in. This is the exact reason that ALMA award-winning actor Michelle Bonilla and her friend, fellow actor Matt Crabtree created the hilarious web series, “Failing Upwards.”
“Matt and I wanted to keep creating and we were thinking of any way to do a web series based on all the funny odd jobs that we’ve had as an actor to sustain ourselves,” Bonilla says. “But we can’t stand ourselves as it is, so I said let’s make it about ordinary people, thirty-something’s around our age that get together and fill out unemployment forms every week and then go out and get these odd jobs. So then of course we came up with all these funny ideas and we said that we have to do this and create this series.”
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