Tagg Magazine
How ironic that I’m writing this article as I make my way from D.C. to Atlanta to see my fiancée. I’ve never been one to want a long distance relationship but the older I got the more open I was to finding love beyond my own backyard. My wife to be lives 9 hours from me. In LDRs it may be wise to take the brain versus heart route first to make sure that no one is wasting time or setting themselves up for failure because of a logistical impasse that can’t be overcome. Really think before you invest your heart. I know we all get butterflies when we meet someone new and it’s hard to think with our brains during this time, but unless you can travel on those butterflies, do your heart a favor and think first.
I want to give hope to those currently in LDRs, but I also want to pose realistic questions. Where do you see this relationship going? Is there marriage potential? Is she worth you going through the lonely nights and temptation of company from someone closer? Can each of you build a foundation of enough trust to sustain those temptations? Someone is going to have to move eventually so who will it be? How much distance is too much? It is realistic to live in CA and date a woman in NYC? Can each of you afford the financial and travel commitment it would take to make a three thousand mile distance work? I realize that all LDRs aren’t this extreme, but it does pose the question of how you will navigate the distance. So give considerable thought to this. Distance and lack of physical bonding time is the main reason LDRs don’t make it. Set yourself up for success by weighing all factors in the beginning.
Tagg Magazine is a print and online resource for LBT women in the DC Metropolitan and Rehoboth, DE areas.