You don’t become India’s first openly gay comic, if you are afraid to ruffle a few feathers. So it’s no surprise that Vasu Ritu Primlani isn’t afraid to skewer, deconstruct and find the funny in any topic, whether it be gender politics, climate change or even rape — all of which could easily fall flat in the hands of a less clever comic. When Primlani isn’t blazing punch line trails on stage she’s pursuing her other passion: the environment. Or more specifically, working to make restaurants and hotels more green. And now Primlani is bringing her special brand of courageous comedy our way with a U.S. tour early next year.
How have people responded to you being openly gay?
I have been disbelieved. “She can’t really mean that!” or “What is that?” Openly ridiculed, no. I am very kind through it, and carry my dignity with me. I don’t draw swords unless absolutely necessary. Men have been drunk in the shows, yes. I have put them in their place, yes. They have never heard anyone say that to them in their lives “I’m gay,” and I get them to laugh with me about it.
Read the rest of the interview at Curve
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