Getting grammatical with ‘The Gender Book’


The practice of asking someone’s Preferred Gender Pronoun (PGP) has been making the news these days. Mel Reiff Hill is the co-creator of “The Gender Book,” on the intention behind the practice, ways to support trans and genderqueer people in your community, and the (exc)uses of grammar. Hill’s experiences with feeling validated and supported by the practice of asking for PGPs, as well as his awareness that gender non-conforming people and their friends and family alike experience difficulty in talking about the issue, inspired him, and a few collaborators, to create the book.

Being asked what pronoun you prefer grants genderqueer and gender nonconforming people the chance to be seen for who they really are, and represent themselves in a way that aligns with their gender identity. “The Gender Book” project has recently launched an Indiegogo campaign where you can pre-order hardcover editions of the book, as well as support the collaborators in making this community resource available online. 


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