Fitness: Fads vs. trends

woman running on beachBY KEVIN M. NORRIS
Washington Blade

It’s always interesting to monitor what the current fads — fleeting popularity contests susceptible to hype and marketing — and trends — longer-lasting waves that tends to have more merit and basis in research and study — are in the fitness world.

A fad can become a trend if enough people deem it worthwhile and stay with it, but most fall out of grace within a year or two when their novelty wears off.

Some of the latest fitness fads are CrossFit, Kettlebell training, P90X, Insanity and pole dancing. It is yet to be seen if any of these exercise modalities will be around long enough to convert to a trend. A few of those deciding factors that will shift a fad to a trend in the fitness world is on whether the fad is evidence based, safe and effective or if it’s a one-trick pony. Also, unsafe or downright dangerous exercise fads or those geared to a small and specific population will often and thankfully disappear. It’s the exercise modalities that engage the general population that tend to become trends.

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