“Tru Love” is not your typical love story. It’s not an earth-shattering story about two lovers who magically fall in love and ride off into sunset to live happily ever after, but it is a story that should be seen by all who have an interest in love, who seek love, who love love and who practice love.
What comes to mind when we hear the word love? We think of kissing, sex, hugs, fights, makes ups, even Webster’s definition: fondness, warmth, etc.
Don’t let the title fool you. Better yet, allow this edge of your seat, intellectually sexy lesbian film make you wonder. Wonder about life, about our definition of the word, how we see each other and how we relate to one another.
A tale of secrecy, lies, emotions and yes, true love, which should be defined as a gamut of emotions, because one who is not properly equipped when love arrives can show any emotion at any given time to express this thing called love.
Beautifully acted by lead characters Shauna MacDonald as Tru and Kate Troter as Alice. An unlikely pair, come to explore a friendship and are torn apart by Alice’s daughter, who is afraid and confused by a number of things, but ultimately the two are reunited in the end, all for Tru to come face to face with her most intimate fears.
Perhaps the scariest thing about true and indubitable love is that when you face it, it will break your heart wide open and that’s what all of us fear the most.
Dana Brenklin is a Los Angeles based radio personality, award-winning poet and musician. Her radio show, “The Dana Brenklin Radio Show,” airs Thursdays at 9am pacific on Find out more at or listen To Dana’s shows on demand.