“The New Normal” is a refreshing comedy that highlights LGBTQ relationships in a favorable light. The brand new sitcom from the creators of “Glee” tackles the subject of a gay couple wanting to have a baby and opposition from the outside.
David (played by Justin Bartha from “The Hangover”) and his partner Bryan (Andrew Rannells from HBO “Girls”) are in a long-term committed relationship and decide that they want to take the logical next step, having a child. After some discussion they decide that they will use David’s sperm, have picked an egg donor that looks just like Gwyneth Paltrow and are just needing a perfect surrogate. After meeting the surrogate from hell they come across Goldie (played by Georgia King) who is a recently single mother of one who has just moved from Ohio to California to escape her life, including her narrow-minded grandmother Jane (played by Ellen Barkin).
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