Lesbian dating 101: How to write a winning dating profile in 4 easy steps
Femme problems: Meeting offline for the first time
Great first date locales and how to plan your just-in-case exit strategy
Lez try out some dating apps
OkCupid, Tinder… Where will you find your next date?
Untapped cruising territory: OK Cupid mixers
A party to meet all your OKC matches face to face? Bevin braves it.
A face-based approach to online dating
Can your face predict true love?
Online dating, before everyone was doing it
One woman’s early experiment in love and living.
Lesbian dating 101: How to respond to an online dating ad
BY KATHY BELGE LesbianLife at About.com You’ve taken the leap into online dating and have created a profile. You’re browsing…