Fast 5 with comedian Julia Pels
Fast 5 with comedian Jessica Inserra
Which celebrity would render you totally star struck if you were to meet him/her? Anyone who knows me knows I…
A new take on ‘Rudolph:’ Donald the groping gasbag
Comedian Jennie McNulty reinvents a holiday classic tune just in time for President Donald Trump’s incarceration day.
2017: Four ways to survive the year ahead
The year of the deplorables is upon us. Comedian and blogger Jennie McNulty has four solutions for survival.
An elephant feary tale for the ages
Comedian Jennie McNulty shares a cautionary tale for National Fairy Tale Day.
To come out or not to come out: Is there pie?
Comedian Jennie McNulty enjoys a delicious humble pie.
Paris, platitudes and prayers
Prayers and Facebook profile pictures don’t make us safer. Maybe we need to look to the stars for a solution.