Supporters gather to rename San Francisco International Airport after Harvey Milk

Rally in San Francisco

Supporters rally to push for the renaming of San Francisco International Airport to Harvey Milk International Airport. (Photo: Luke Thomas/


On Friday, a group rallied at City Hall in San Francisco in support of renaming San Francisco International Airport the Harvey Milk International Airpot in honor of the LGBT hero. The legislation was proposed by Supervisor David Campos, and already has the support of four other Supervisors on the Board. It requires just one more vote to be placed on the ballot for voters to decide. 

One man who attended the rally had lived in San Francisco, just up the street from City Hall for the past 35 years. He was nearby when Milk was assassinated in 1978. When 429Magazine asked him how he felt during that time, he said “It was very sad, very very sad. Because we were fighting so hard for gay rights. People were so against us. Not like now, it’s so easy. People don’t appreciate it, young gay people. I’m not putting them down, it’s just so easy for them. It wasn’t easy for us.”


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