‘Roving Pack’ takes on queer punk scene

"Roving Pack" book coverBY MOLLY WILLIAMS

Sassafras Lowrey’s debut novel “Roving Pack “delves in deep, looking at complexities of gender and sexuality from the angle of a group of queer, homeless teens. The story takes a look at the privilege of born masculinity and the extreme pressures youth everywhere face today to conform to a traditionalist society. “Roving Pack” has burst onto the scene and acquired magnificent reviews from the likes of The Huffington Post, Advocate, Lambda Library and Velvet Park Media. Lowrey shines a light on the queer punk scene and shows the audience that she means business as a debut novelist.

You’ve said that you “needed” to write the book. Could you elaborate on what you mean by that and where the idea sprang from?

I started working on Roving Pack a bit by accident. I was on tour with my anthology Kicked Out and around that time was blessed with getting back in touch with an old friend from my “punk house years.” At the time she was dealing with a lot of medical issues, some of which were impacting her memory. In an attempt to counter that, we began texting each other little 160 character snippets of memories (neither of us had smart phones at the time) from when we were young and precariously housed and building home, family and community in the queer punk world.

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