News: ‘Biggest Loser’ star Jillian Michaels gains daughter and son, May 23, 2012

Fitness icon and former “Biggest Loser” trainer Jillian Michaels announced that she and longtime girlfriend Heidi Rhoades are “swimming in babies” after Michaels finalized the adoption of her daughter just weeks after Rhoades gave birth to a son. Michaels’ lengthy adoption process of 2-year-old Lukensia from Haiti wasn’t necessarily planned to coincide with Phoenix’s birth on May 3, but the couple is enjoying the challenges of instantaneous double-duty parenthood. Meanwhile, webmasters across the country are busy updating their MILF rankings to make way for new mom Michaels.

Target takes aim at LGBT Pride
It looks like we may indeed “expect more, pay less” from Minneapolis-based retailer Target after they announced the online sale of 10 pride-themed t-shirts. The gay-friendly themed tees will sell for $12.99 with proceeds going to the Washington D.C.-based Family Equality Council. We can’t wait to see Target’s bull terrier Bullseye in a Gwen Stefani-designed “Love is love” tee.

Adam Lambert trespasses onto Billboard’s Top 200 No. 1 spot
Former “American Idol” runner-up and openly gay singer Adam Lambert made music history as his second album “Trespassing” debuted at No. 1 on Billboard’s Top 200 chart. While some contend the strong showing is more about the poor state of the music industry than Lambert’s melodious gift (“Trespassing” achieved the No. 1 rank with just 80,000 copies sold), the achievement is a milestone nonetheless. In related news, Elton John laments his decision not to come out until later in his career.

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