NCLR breaks down the looming Supreme Court battles on LGBTQ rights

A message from Shannon Minter, NCLR Legal Director

The LGBTQ community is facing a critical challenge at the Supreme Court this fall, one that could either protect all LGBTQ workers nationwide or gut employment protections under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

I’ve written an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times that lays out the high stakes of these cases. I hope you’ll read the op-ed for an overview of why we should win and why a loss would be devastating, not only for LGBTQ people, but for all employees – and for women in particular.

These three cases may well be as consequential for the LGBTQ community as the marriage cases and other landmark decisions that affirmed our right to equality under the law.

NCLR has been a leader in litigating Title VII cases, and we are working hard to ensure that the Supreme Court does not undo decades of hard-won victories, which have provided critical protections to our community. But we cannot afford to be blindsided by what could be a devastating setback to not just LGBTQ rights, but women’s rights in general.

So please share this op-ed in your networks. As the Supreme Court considers these cases, it is essential that we shine a light on why they matter so much.

Thank you for standing with us as we prepare for this latest assault on our community. I’ll update you as developments warrant.

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