Meet the parents: The lesbian holiday ritual

Family at holiday dinner tableBY MEGHANN NOVINSKIE AND KIM ROSENBERG
Tagg Magazine

For many, the arrival of the holiday season brings joy. But for those introducing their partners to family for the first time, the season could drum up anxiety (albeit totally avoidable angst!) between you and your lady. We’ve been in the business of dating and relationship “firsts” for over a decade, so here’s your “to do” list before throwing your new “Miss” into the mix:

Prepare your parents

It’s important for your family to know a little about your girlfriend and why you like her. They should know a bit about the reasons you’re dating her. What qualities does she have that you really admire? How does she make you happy? (“She’s hot” or “she’s great in bed” are not answers to those questions!). Tell them why the two of you are a good fit (or why you’re inseparable/in love/exclusively dating). The deep-down connection you have with her likely won’t be the topic of conversation over a holiday meal, so prep your parents by offering this insight. Remember, they are likely happy when they know you are.


Tagg Magazine is a print and online resource for LBT women in the DC Metropolitan and Rehoboth, DE areas.

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