High-profile figures, including many conservatives, are featured in the ad. Former Vice President Dick Cheney, whose daughter is gay, is among them. Vocal bipartisan support is critical in the fight for LGBT equality. (Photo: Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images)
Washington Blade
A new ad campaign has been launched promoting marriage equality that showcases a bipartisan group of high-profile figures promoting the same message: “It’s time for marriage.” Led by the Respect for Marriage Coalition, a group of more than 80 groups associated with the Human Rights Campaign and Freedom to Marry, consists of a 30-second TV ad featuring a number of public figures who’ve expressed support for same-sex marriage. The coalition has pledged to spend more than $1 million in the coming weeks to broadcast the ad on national TV.
The ad is running in the wake of the two national polls that made public on the previous day: one showing that 59 percent of the American public opposes Section 3 of DOMA, which prohibits federal benefits from flowing to same-sex couples, and another showing that 77 percent of the American public believe same-sex marriage will be made legal nationally regardless of their personal views within the next couple years.
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Washington Blade is America’s leading gay news source.
Lesbian.com editors note: As of Thursday morning, former First Lady Laura Bush, one of the featured conservatives, has requested she be removed from the ad. Updates to follow.