Who could forget this Britney Spears and Madonna moment? (Photo: Frank Micelotta/Getty Images)
After being targeted herself by Russian law, Madonna has joined the Human Rights Campaign’s “Love Conquers Hate” initiative to stop the LBGT community from being targeted in Russia. Lady Gaga is also under fire, as a local resident claimed her 13-year-old daughter was subjected to “an imitation of sexual intercourse between women and advocacy of alcohol consumption,” during her St. Petersburg show last December.
“Even with the 2014 Sochi Olympics just a few months away, fair-minded Russians are facing fines, harassment and violence at the hand of thugs,” Madonna wrote on the Human Rights Campaign’s website. “At this dangerous moment in Russian history, we, as advocates, have a responsibility to speak up and take our hopeful message global. Make no mistake about it: the goal of these hateful laws is to leave LGBT Russians feeling isolated. Worthless. Completely alone.”
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