A lesbian Florida high school student is alleging school officials violated her rights when they banned her from participating in the GLSEN-sponsored National Day of Silence to raise awareness for anti-LGBT –and all– bullying kids face. In April of last year, DeSoto County school student Amber Hatcher, then 15, was making plans to participate.
Hatcher claims she asked for permission from her principal, Mrs. Shannon Fusco, nearly a month in advance of the event. Principal Fusco is said to have repeatedly told Hatcher that she would be barred from participating in the event, and that there “would be consequences.” On April 20, 2012, the National Day of Silence, Amber came to school, and as is standard on the Day of Silence, she communicated by dry-erase board with peers and teachers. She was soon called into the dean’s office, whereby she was informed she had been suspended from school for the day.
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