Ashley Broadway
Think Progress
Ashley Broadway’s wife and partner of 15 years is an officer stationed at Ft. Bragg in North Carolina, and now that the two are legally married, she sought to join the Officers’ Spouse Club on base. Unfortunately, she was told she “does not qualify.” It seems, however, that the group is going to extensive lengths to keep her out of the club, including arbitrary changes to its policy.
The group told Broadway that she could only join if the military issued her an “active ID card,” but the Pentagon has refused to offer this service to same-sex spouses since the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. That rule, however, is not listed in the group’s bylaws and was only added to the website and now-defunct Facebook page this week after Broadway published her open letter about experiencing discrimination. (The website also, incidentally, removed the last names of the group’s board members.) It seems the group is simply manufacturing reasons to prevent her from joining, and simultaneously trying to hide.
Read more at ThinkProgress.org