Knowing how much I loved travel, I considered staying a third year in graduate school to get a specialty in International Social Work. But in the end, I couldn’t validate spending $35,000 on tuition, room, and board for something that I could put together myself for far cheaper. Are you one of those people who have considered getting a degree in international relations, international business, international development, or international policy? Let me tell you how to get a real international education.
Out & Around is not only about global LGBT rights. It’s about becoming better global citizens. Traveling through the developing world, Jenni and I can’t help but feel our privilege status in the world due to our educational opportunities and personal freedoms. We were also constantly reminded of our wealth. If you earn over $25,000 USD a year, you are among the top 10% of richest people in the world. Jenni and I need to use our Supergay powers for good.
Lisa Dazols is a licensed clinical social worker who is in her tenth year in HIV services. She and her partner Jenni traveled all over the world meeting the LGBT community for their OutandAround blog project, which is now being made into a documentary.