Getting real with Uh Huh Her

Uh Huh Her

Camila Grey, left, and Leisha Hailey are Uh Huh Her (Photo: Robin Roemer)


Since Uh Huh Her charged onto the scene in 2007 on the heels of bassist Leisha Hailey’s role as Alice Pieszecki on Showtime’s “The L Word,” Uh Huh Her have done more than their share of cleaning up messes. From a breakup with their label, to Grey’s shoulder surgery in August, the duo has continued to release moody, emotive electro-pop to a largely receptive audience.

But despite the new EP, a headlining gig at this year’s Dinah Shore in Palm Springs, and legions of devoted fans singing their praises on message boards around the world, one specific incident continues to haunt the band and it doesn’t seem to be going away: their forcible removal from a Southwest Airlines flight for an alleged kiss they shared. The pair were treated to a public lesson in homophobia.

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