Festival of the Babes: Faster and more to the left

Festival of the BabesBY LYNNA DO

Festival of the Babes (“FOB”) is an annual women’s soccer festival that unites queer west coast ladies in a sun-filled Labor Day weekend of “sportiness and revelry.” Geared toward “women who are lesbians or willing to be mistaken for one,” it’s hosted by a different city every year, and this time, in its 23rd year, FOB is back in Portland, Oregon.

This year’s festivities begin on Friday, August 30 and wrap up Sunday, September 1.

The FOBulously fun soccer tournament also has a hint (okay, more than a hint) of Mardi Gras-esque extravagance. The games are played in teams of seven vs seven and teams are typically clad in costume. There are three divisions that range from competitive to recreational (e.g., “please hand me another beer before my next run!” or “I kicked to the hottie in the grass skirt- is she on my team?”). Nontraditional rules spice up the games (some infractions may require kissing the ref or kissing the goalie that you just scored on — no sore losers here!)

Teams travel from Vancouver B.C., Seattle and San Francisco, but a few even make the journey from as far as Europe and Australia. So far, of the 18 teams that are registered, there will be women coming from the Pacific Northwest and California, Boston and even Canada.

With a capacity for 20 teams and approximately 300 players, FOB is a well-loved soccer event. Even women who don’t play soccer will join in the festivities. Regardless of what city is hosting, face it: who doesn’t want to spend the day with a bunch of lesbians running around in costumes (yes, I was serious)?soccer feet

FOB comes complete with opening ceremonies, awards, and dance parties each night. It has been the birthplace of countless new friendships, delicious hookups and committed partnerships/wives/families. See you there?

Festival of the Babes Schedule
Friday August 30:
6:00 – 10:00 p.m. Registration Party at Crush Bar (1400 SE Morrison St, Portland, OR 97214)
*Snacks will be served. Full menu available. 21+ only

Saturday August 31:
9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Games at Fernhill Park (NE 37th Avenue & NE Simpson Street, Portland, OR)
12 p.m. – 1 p.m. Opening Ceremonies
1 p.m. – 4 p.m. Games
8:30 p.m. – ? a.m. – White Owl Social Club (1305 SE 8th Ave, Portland, OR 97214)
*Full menu available. 21+

Sunday September 1:
10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Games
7 p.m. – TBD

If you are interested in volunteering, please e-mail: fob2013portland@gmail.com

For more information, check out the FestivaloftheBabes.com

Lynna Do is also known as Wiki-Lynna to her friends because she retains a lot of random (and not so random) knowledge. A typical Type A personality, Capricorn and political junkie, you can find her on Facebook and Twitter.

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