Eastside Women’s Health Center Achieves LGBT Business Enterprise Certification Status



National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Nationally Recognizes Eastside Women’s Health Center for Diversity in the Workplace

Exciting news! The Eastside Women’s HealthCenter (EWHC) has announced their recent certification as an LGBT Business Enterprise (LGBTBE®) through the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) Supplier Diversity Initiative.

The NGLCC is the only American certifying body for LGBT owned and operated businesses. With this certification, the Eastside Women’s Health Center is officially a diverse supplier. This means that as a small business, EWHC will have access to procurement opportunities that will catapult them to achieve success. Businesses and potential organizational partners who are looking to fulfill altruistic mission statements or give back to the community through hiring diverse suppliers, can now achieve those goals by working with the EWHC.

“It is an honor to have such a valuable certification,” said Jennifer Jimenez, co-owner of EWHC. “It illustrates that LGBT owned businesses are alive and thriving in our economy. Diversity and equality is the backbone of good business practice, and we are proud to be a viable and relevant player.”

At Eastside Women’s Health Center, Jimenez and her co-owner Kristina Chamberlain, envision a world where anyone can create a family, and live to their fullest health potential.

With a growing community of LGBTBE’s (over 800 across the nation), Eastside Women’s Health Center, is in great company!

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