D.C. radio hosts suspended for trans remarks

Basketball hoop and basketballBY MICHAEL K. LAVERS
Washington Blade

LGBT advocates have sharply criticized two Washington D.C. sports talk radio hosts who used transphobic references to describe a transgender college basketball player.

Andy Pollin introduced a former Washington Post reporter’s article on Gabrielle Ludwig, who plays on the women’s basketball team at Mission College in Santa Clara, Calif., that USA Today published on Dec. 5 at the start of a Thursday segment of “The Sports Reporters” on ESPN 980. Co-host Steve Czaban suggested Ludwig could “be a Russian chick” before he cackled and suggested one can become eligible to play basketball at the junior college if they “lose testicles.”

Pollin further questioned whether the Bay Area school should have allowed Ludwig to join the team because of her age before he once again highlighted her gender identity and expression.

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