Clinton unveils ‘blueprint’ for ‘AIDS-free generation’

Washington Blade

The Obama administration unveiled on Thursday a “blueprint” for confronting the global AIDS epidemic that includes as one of its goals targeting populations that are most vulnerable to HIV/AIDS — including men who have sex with men.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton touted the plan during a ceremony at the State Department as a tool to achieve the vision of an “AIDS-free generation” that she previously articulated a year ago.

“Now, make no mistake about it: HIV may well be with us into the future,” Clinton said. “But the disease that it causes need not be. We can reach a point where virtually no children are born with the virus, and as these children become teenagers and adults, they are at a far lower risk of becoming infected than they are today. And if they do acquire HIV, they have access to treatment that helps prevent them from not only from developing AIDS, but from passing the virus on to others.”

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