Washington Blade
Just over four decades ago, cinematic history was made. Two men kissed in the 1971 movie “Sunday Bloody Sunday,” directed by John Schlesinger. This groundbreaking film, the first to portray bisexuality and queer characters kissing and loving, without judgment, is just out on DVD and Blu-ray.
Intimacy in TV and movies from “Glee” to “The New Normal” to “The Kids Are All Right” is now so common that we forget it wasn’t always so. In “Hope Springs,” the recent Meryl Streep/Tommy Lee Jones rom-com, Streep’s character even turns to a LGBT sex guide to recharge her love life.
Yet, entertainment media only recently became besotted with gay smooching. We had to wait for Mitchell and Cameron to pucker up in “Modern Family” and queer kissing in movies wasn’t that mainstream before “Brokeback Mountain.” While my 84-year-old stepmom said the other day, “Why shouldn’t gay people kiss in movies? They’re getting married now,” I bet some folks still don’t want queer lip lock at their cineplex.
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