Transgender university student starts gender-neutral ‘frarority’

chapman_university_memorial_hallBY ERIN HIGGINS

Chapman University student Addie Vincent had hoped that she would be the first transgender woman to be initiated into a sorority within her college’s Greek system. But things changed after she was cut from the process after the second day of rush. With many friends involved in the Greek life at Chapman, Vincent felt confident about her chances. But when she learned she would be unable to fulfill her dream of joining a sisterhood, Vincent was crushed.

She now plans to start a chapter of Theta Pi Sigma: Chapman University’s first gender-neutral all-inclusive “frarority.” The frarority will be open to students of all background, including gender, sex, gender expression, and sexual orientation, with a colonization goal of Spring 2014.  A GoFundMe account has been set up to help Theta Pi Sigma achieve its financial needs. Vincent has currently raised $470 of the $2,000 goal.


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