StartOut is breaking the rainbow ceiling

start out logoBY LISA GUNTHER

Silicon Valley is known throughout the country as a hub of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. But when it comes to finding venture capital for those new technology companies, the network of investors is still pretty much a boys’ club. That’s why is unique—it’s committed to fostering business opportunities throughout the lesbian community and launched its Lesbian Entrepreneur Mentoring Program in San Francisco this past June.

To learn more, we caught up with Marie Trexler, a former investor for Intel Capital and currently a StartOut board member. With upwards of 60 venture investments in her portfolio, Trexler became involved with StartOut after a poignant career change—one that focused less on financial investment and more on investing in the LGBT community. “It was just a really good fit for me,” Trexler says, “because I had been looking for a way to get more involved with the community. Plus, my career had always been about working with entrepreneurs, so I just thought this program was a fantastic idea. It’s a great way to get people together.”

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