“Marry me, Mags!” DC comics not-so-subtly hints at becoming the first mainstream American comic to feature a lesbian engagement.
In the latest Batwoman comic book issue, #17, the topic of marriage equality leaves a cliffhanger for readers after Batwoman, or Kate Kane, proposed to her longtime girlfriend Maggie Sawyer, Gotham City’s police captain. The issue ended before Sawyer could respond.
The proposal actually isn’t DC’s first among its same-sex couples; the character Alan Scott, the first Green Lantern, proposed to his boyfriend in a comic book published in June 2012. However, a wedding never happened, as the train they were on crashed and Scott survived because of the power that turned him into the first Green Lantern. As for the Batwoman series, if Maggie says yes, it will be the first American mainstream comic with a lesbian engagement.
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