White House schedules briefing on ‘Obamacare’ for LGBT advocates

rainbow stethoscopesBY CHRIS JOHNSON
Washington Blade

As the administration works to implement health care reform, the White House has scheduled a briefing for LGBT advocates on Sept. 12 to discuss ways “Obamacare” will impact LGBT people, according to an invitation to the event. According to the invitation dated August 20, the administration will provide a presentation of important new research on how LGBT communities perceive and access health care and suggest messaging strategies for reaching key sub-communities. The briefing is also set to include a panel discussion of best practices by community organizations engaged in LGBT health advocacy as well as breakout sessions to connect local leaders and plan regional enrollment events.

The White House is holding this briefing amid a larger public relations push to build support for Obamacare, which is still viewed unfavorably by 54 percent of the American public, according to a poll this month from Rasmussen. Last month, President Obama held an event at the White House and spoke out about the importance of implementing the health care reform.

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One Response to “White House schedules briefing on ‘Obamacare’ for LGBT advocates”

  1. SeparateChurch AndState

    My understanding of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and the health insurance marketplace is there are a few insurance plans offered called a platinum, gold, silver, bronze, and catastrophic. All health insurance plans offered on the marketplace must offer as a minimum the same set of services called the “essential health benefits”. The silver plans are the plans which offer any tax credits for which the person may qualify. The plan level guidelines are platinum is for someone in poor health, gold is for fair health, silver for good health, bronze for excellent, and catastrophic for persons 30 years of age or younger.

    Platinum is lowest deductible and highest premium, bronze lowest premium and highest deductible. Several private insurance companies will offer the various plans to the individual. Inquiries about specific plan coverage or premiums to be paid are made directly to the private insurance company. The person should select a plan based on their needs, and the network of doctors, services, and hospitals offered and not the lowest premium. Based on household income and family size, many people are expected to qualify for tax credits. If a person qualifies for a government sponsored plan like Medicaid or Chips, those will also be offered to the individual as an insurance plan option.

    The “essential health benefits” offered by the Affordable Care Act includes prescription drugs, lab work and blood tests, preventive services like counseling, screenings, and vaccines, doctor and clinic visits, emergency services, overnight stays in the hospital, prenatal, maternity and pediatric services (including kids dental and vision), habilitative and rehabilitative services for persons with disabilities and chronic conditions, and mental health and substance use disorder services.

    Persons offered insurance coverage through their employer can shop the health insurance marketplace in search of a plan which might be deemed as a more “affordable” plan. Open enrollment dates are October 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014. “Exemptions” from health insurance coverage are available for those that qualify. All of this information is available on the healthcare.gov website.


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