Title IX builds female leaders

Title IX helps create female leadersBY JESSICA PIEKLO

One of the most significant impacts of Title IX is the impact the legislation has had on training new generations of female leadership. When Title IX passed in 1972, there were 15 women in Congress. Today there are 92 women in the House and Senate. So long as the support for Title IX goals and programs continues there’s no reason to think that number won’t rise.

While link between increasing access to sports and becoming elected to office might merely reflect changing social structures, there is new research to suggest that athletic participation has become a social eligibility factor in the success of candidates for elected office. A study conducted by Dr. Leanne Doherty from Simmons College found that athletic experience is cited by 25% of candidates who run for Congress to increase their viability in the eyes of voters. This included talking about sports experiences they had in high school or college, or that of family members.

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