October is here and along with National Coming Out Day and trick ‘r’ treating, October is also the time of year when we get serious about breast cancer awareness. How important is it? This year, more than 225,000 people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer and nearly 40,000 will die from it. Plus, with lesbians and bisexual women perhaps at a greater risk of developing breast cancer than heterosexual women, there is no question that we need to get serious about finding a cure, now. Fortunately, the news is not all bad — every day, researchers are uncovering new clues as to how we are going to prevent, treat, and finally defeat this disease. In order to do so, we need to support causes that keep this research going strong. So, here are a dozen ways you can shop pink this month, to support breast cancer research and breast cancer survivors.
- Generous Lips Skinn Cosmetics’ Twin Set Collagen Boost Lipstick and Wet Gloss in Pink Tulip give you lips that really say “Wow,” and every penny of each sale goes straight to breast cancer research. ($19, [Adam Brinklow]
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