Emerson College in Boston. (Photo: Allston Dave)
There are multiple issues to consider when looking at colleges; Princeton Review’s annual list, which covers both two-year colleges and four-year universities, rate each institution on multiple criteria for the consideration of prospective students, including LGBT-friendliness. Predictably, schools from California and New England crowded the most LGBT-friendly list, while Southern schools were likely to be rated as least friendly towards the community. However, there were some surprises.
Not everyone considers the Princeton Review’s findings reliable, however; Campus Pride points out that the surveys include only one question on LGBT issues: students are asked if they agree or disagree with the statement “students, faculty, and administrators treat all persons equally regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity/expression.”
Among the most LGBT-friendly schools:
01. Emerson College (Boston, MA)
02. Warren Wilson College (Asheville, NC)
03. New College of Florida (Sarasota, FL)
Among the least LGBT-friend schools:
01. Grove City College (Grove City, PA)
02. Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden Sydney, VA)
03. College of the Ozarks (Point Lookout, MO)
Read more at see the top 20 rankings in both categories at dot429.com