Ten years later, Philly still out and proud for LGBTQ travelers

gay philadelphiaBY ERIN HIGGINS

Ten years after becoming the first ever U.S. destination to release a television ad for LGBT travelers, the Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation (GPTMC) has made a new commercial to remind the community that Philadelphia still welcomes them.

“Ten years ago, Philadelphia was proud to officially ‘come out’ as a gay-friendly destination when we invited LGBT travelers to visit,” said Meryl Levitz, president and CEO of GPTMC. “With our new commercial, we’re going beyond our history roots and reiterating our invitation, celebrating both the city’s evolution into a premier destination and the LGBT community’s progress over the last decade.”  The Community Marketing’s 17th Annual Gay and Lesbian Tourism Survey currently ranks Philadelphia as one of the top ten destinations for LGBT travelers.

Read more at dot429.com

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