Huffington Post Gay Voices
The Westboro Baptist Church is about to get a big surprise in the form of a new neighbor who plans to give the notoriously anti-LGBT group a taste of its own medicine. A rainbow house in support of diversity and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community is moving in arose the street.
Aaron Jackson, one of the founders of Planting Peace, a multi-pronged charity that has in the past concentrated on rainforest conservation, opening orphanages and deworming programs, bought a house that sits directly across from the church’s compound six months ago. On Tuesday, March 19, he and a team of volunteers are painting it to match the gay pride flag. “We want this house to be a message that where there’s hate, there’s also love.”
Read more at Huffington Post Gay Voices
Carol Hartsell should stop linking to bogus blogs(before they were even posted) and she should stop assisting cancer scammer and general sociopath, Tig Notaro. Instead, she pushes her lousy fake articles and gives the press and lesbians a very bad name. Even worse than most would expect.
You are disgusting Carol Hartsell. You should join the Wesboro Baptist church. You belong there.
Your August 4th update is saved and there is ample evidence of others linking to Kira Hessers non existent August 5th blog. You engaged in fraud and then a cover up. Shame on you.