Queering geek culture: Developers to unite to increase LGBT presence in video games


Instead of waiting for mainstream game companies to truly embrace diversity, independent developers have concluded that if you want something done, you’ve got to do it yourself; to that end, Games [4Diversity] Jam 2014, a game development session for those set on making games with feminist and LGBT themes, is open for registration. The event will be held in San Francisco; the exact location has yet to be announced, but the date is set: March 21-23, 2014, which is the weekend after the Game Developers Conference 2014.

As the ticket page explains, “The Games [4Diversity] Jam explores ways to incorporate feminine and LGBT aspects to games in a constructive way: creating games. Hereby the 24-hour development session will show that female, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues can enrich games in an innovative and positive manner. So let’s jam! And diversify the game industry content now!”

Games [4Diversity] Jam 2014 is open to everyone; those interested can register here, or find further information here.

Read more at dot429.com

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