Out lesbian running for governor gets big campaign boost

heather mizeurBY LAURA BASSETT
Huffington Post Gay Voices

EMILY’s List, an increasingly powerful group that helps get progressive women elected to office, will be supporting Heather Mizeur in the race for Maryland governor. If elected, Mizeur would be the first female governor of Maryland and the first openly gay person elected governor in U.S. history. Mizeur has represented Montgomery County in the Maryland House of Delegates since 2006. She faces two better-known male opponents in next year’s Democratic primary: Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown and Attorney General Douglas Gansler. The current governor, Martin O’Malley (D), cannot run again due to term limits.

In 2011, Mizeur played a key role in the fight to legalize same-sex marriage in Maryland, delivering an emotional speech on the House floor during the debate over the bill. She attracted media attention last month when she proposed legalizing marijuana in Maryland and using the tax revenue it generated to fund full-day pre-kindergarten education programs for 4-year-olds across the state.

Read more at Huffington Post Gay Voices

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