NCLR urges UN committee against torture to end conversion therapy


We’re off to the United Nations! In our ongoing campaign to protect LGBT young people from the abusive practice of “conversion therapy,” NCLR’s #BornPerfect campaign is headed to Geneva to urge the United Nation’s Committee Against Torture and the U.S. State Department to find that conversion therapy constitutes “cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment” in violation of the U.N. Convention Against Torture.

Joining me is Samuel Brinton, known to many of you as the recipient of the Courage Award at this year’s NCLR Anniversary Celebration. Sam is a survivor of conversion therapy and co-chairs the #BornPerfect Advisory Committee, a group of allied experts with unique insights into the devastating harms caused by efforts to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

We are shining an international light on this issue so that the world will no longer allow these dangerous and abusive practices to continue in the shadows. With your help, in five years we will put a stop to this abuse in the United States and, eventually, the world.

You can follow us in Geneva by following the hashtags #BornPerfect and #EndTorture, on our website at, and on Twitter @NCLRights, @SamanthaSAmes, and @SBrinton. We could not do this lifesaving work without your support. We are proud to represent you and the far too many victims of this vile practice.

Yours in Justice,
Samantha Ames, Esq.
Staff Attorney and #BornPerfect Campaign Coordinator

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