NCLR Names Imani Rupert-Gordon as New Executive Director

NCLR has announced that Imani Rupert-Gordon will be its new Executive Director. Rupert-Gordon is a long-time movement leader and advocate for LGBTQ people of color. Rupert-Gordon will lead the 42-year old feminist LGBTQ legal organization, which is known for tackling the most pressing issues of race, gender, and economic inequality facing LGBTQ people.

“Imani is the perfect fit for NCLR’s mission, culture, and commitment to bold leadership,” said NCLR Co-Chair Emily Doskow. “She is a dynamic leader with a wealth of experience and a strong vision for the organization’s future. We could not be more fortunate to have her joining NCLR.”

“We were blown away by Imani’s passion and results-oriented leadership,” added NCLR Board Co-Chair Felicia Medina. “NCLR and our country will benefit greatly from Imani’s experience in building community-based movements to address racism, sexism, transphobia, and white supremacy. She knows how to call in and call out, and will fight every moment of her tenure to ensure that all of us, particularly the most vulnerable in our community, are legally protected and can live their truth.”

“I’m thrilled to join the team at NCLR and to help expand their incredible work,” said Imani Rupert- Gordon. “As we continue the fight for legal protections to achieve LGBTQ equality, I’m excited to be part of creating a more inclusive LGBTQ movement that centers racial, economic, and political justice. There has never been a more important time for NCLR’s approach to advancing LGBTQ equality and liberation, and I am grateful to be a part of the team as we meet this challenge.”

Rupert-Gordon currently serves as the Executive Director of Affinity Community Services, the nation’s oldest social justice organization serving the needs of Black LGBTQ people with a particular focus on Black women.

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