‘Mom! The tooth fairy didn’t come!’

Tooth Fairy CartoonBY BUTCH JAXON

Oh geez. Just reading the title, you probably know what’s coming. Mom is an idiot. That’s me. I made a mistake. Don’t worry too much, I’ll give away the punchline now and tell you that I fixed it – I think. But, I messed up. If you’ve been around a while, you will remember that playing the Tooth Fairy (TF) is not my best thing. Read my last harrowing experience with the TF here. So what happened this time?

Two nights ago, my daughter lost a tooth. Actually, she pulled it out and came running to show me. Being a proper butch only extends so far, and so when she shows me a gaping hole in her mouth that is bleeding rather profusely, I get a bit, erm, squeamish to say the least. Blood is not my best thing. “Wow, honey, that’s great,” I say walking out of the bathroom and away from the blood. “Make sure you put it under your pillow,” I add casually.

Read more at ButchOnTap.com

ButchOnTap is written by Butch Jaxon, a fledgling writer who has been a lesbian her whole life.  Butch was raised in San Diego and is an accomplished lawyer.  She loves to write, play any kind of sport or game, consume any kind of entertainment, and is frequently found drinking lattes in a bookstore or discovering new beers at local micro-breweries.

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