Celebrity Numerologist
You’ve got your pair of wings this month as the freedom of expression number soars in making a grand entrance. April was more like school teacher energy with its overtone of structure, organization and practicality while May has pom-poms in the air as your inner cheerleader steps out. Anything goes under the flair of the five. Take advantage of this new found freedom to let loose a bit. Life isn’t meant to be all work and no play.
Now that you’ve laid the groundwork and your foundation is more or less solidified (or at least have an idea of the direction you’re headed in) is the fun part: envisioning your next phase.
Under the five, the number of the heart and emotions, we can see much more clearly what we want and need on every level. Intuition is linked strongly to our emotional self so pay careful attention to how you’re feeling in various situations and about your decisions this month. Let your heart lead the way.
The down side to the erratic five month is that emotions may also be all over the place at times (especially, if you’re a feeler) and with our intuitive radar temporarily flooded, relationships could see their fair share of miscommunication and misunderstandings. On the positive side, it is the month of love and even if you’re not a hugger, you might just find yourself spontaneously and involuntarily hugging someone this month.
Nothing like jumping right in when it comes to the freedom of expression month. We’re going to crack the belly of the beast open today with the raw and real 16-seven asking us to turn the page, envision the next phase and get to the core of what we truly want and need in our life. The overtone of Sunday is truth, integrity, authenticity (seven).
It’s a perfect day to wipe away any remaining sludge and polish your vision to perfect clarity. You know what you want, you’ve known it all along, but it wasn’t the right time to see it clearly until now. Bask in the knowing today that you’re going the right way. Don’t expect much in the way of outer action but do expect some major milestones to be reached mentally and emotionally.
Mondays are typically rough in general but today’s date carries the shock and awe eight frequency (Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Rihanna, Christina Aguilera have double eights) kicking us out of bed with a dramatic flair (hopefully, not on the wrong side of the bed). The added bonus is that eight is the number of confidence so at least you’ve got that going on. Make your coffee extra strong, you’ve got work to do.
This week’s theme is more about inner than outer and today’s 17-eight is the same number the word GOD vibrates to. Breaking it down, it’s comprised of the verbal self-expression number (one), the number of truth and integrity (seven) adding to form the number of wisdom (eight). Essentially your mission this Monday is what the word GOD means to the human race: We are here to verbally express (one) the truths of the divine (seven) for the purpose of spreading wisdom and knowledge for soul’s growth (eight). Pretty deep stuff but you can handle it. Get out there and share what you know with others. You might just change some lives today.
It’s selfless Tuesday and you’re feeling extra generous. The word love vibrates to the 18-nine which is the today’s vibe. Mother Teresa and Gandhi were nines. It is considered the humanitarian number. Nine represents the beginning and the end of a cycle. Donate to charity those personal items sitting in the closet from the past that no longer serve you to fulfill a two-fold purpose of giving back and giving up the past. At the coffee shop, give the homeless guy you see every day some dough. Write a check to charity. Giving of yourself today will make you feel full, complete and refreshed.
“To get joy, we must give it,and to keep joy, we must scatter it.” John Templeton.
Fresh off the high of selfless service, you’re poised to take some 180 shifts in direction today, but more from an inner space as well as firming up your decisions from a mental and emotional perspective. Sometimes we need to prune to see the new growth. Now that you’ve cut back the dead branches, you’ve realized the direction your new buds are growing. The pioneer theme of Wednesday’s one wants you step outside your box and off the worn trail to conquer new territory. Go where no man (or woman) has gone before. Embrace your uniqueness and don’t let anyone squash your vision today. You are the one and only creator of your reality. Forge on, my sista.
We’re not meant to go full steam ahead every second because there are times when consolidation and integration of our experiences is in order. If we didn’t fully take in our experiences and process them, we would never learn or grow from them (which is our purpose here at Earth School).
Thursday is the day this week when we’ll need to take a pause and inhale the abounding growth we experienced during the first several days of the week. Don’t feel guilty you didn’t get a thing done off your to-do list because you’re not meant to today. It might well feel like the energy came to a screeching halt and indeed, in some ways it did. You can officially declare this Thursday Outer Change Prohibition Day. Kick back, cook yourself a steak, break out a bottle of fine wine and toast to all your hard work and accomplishments.
Don’t be surprised if you wake up this Friday morning bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and full of boundless ideas. It’s a three-day today, the number of imagination and inspiration. After your self-declared Me day yesterday, you’re raring to go. The quiet time has done your mind a world of good to de-fragment your brain. Now, your idea pot is bubbling over with doable plans of action. You may find you spontaneously have random thoughts to call a person or experience moments when your brain suddenly connects the dots on long-standing challenges.
Now is the time when you compile all the experiences and knowledge gleaned from the rest of the week and inject it into the growing foundation on which you’ve been working. We’re ending this week on a four energy, the foundational number that has been ever so common these past several weeks. Believe it or not, although this week has been less about outer change, you’ve probably made more progress than you’ve seen in some time. You could liken it to redirecting your sails and are now looking at a new horizon. It might not seem like you’ve made big maneuvers, but the change in the direction of your sail will result is a big change in the destination. The final foundation blocks are pretty much in place now so you have a firm launch pad for lift-off and can rocket directly into the five energy of May with ease.
Next week may be more treacherous terrain though, so brace yourself for some upcoming challenges.
Michelle Arbeau is an internationally recognized celebrity numerologist, author, inspirational speaker and radio/TV host. She has a Hollywood clientele base that includes “Twilight” vampires, a “Big Bang Theory” actress, “Pirates of the Caribbean” actor, an NBC director, celebrity stylist and many more.
A media favorite and considered an expert in her field, Michelle is frequently a repeat guest on national outlets such as CBC Radio, CTV Morning Live, Breakfast Television and LA Talk Radio. Her newly released books, “The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration to Manifest the Life You Desire” and “Soul Numbers: Decipher the Message from Your Inner Self to Successfully Navigate Life” are the product of combining her love of numbers with her passion for helping others to find purpose, meaning and joy in life. Learn more at