Looking for zen in all the wrong places? Get off the beaten path this week

Find unexpected zenBY MIKI MARKOVICH

Letting more zen in can be as easy as seizing the moment and embracing your bliss. What if being responsible wasn’t using your Saturday to organize and pack for next week’s business trip? What if it was instead about following your heart, grabbing your partner’s hand and driving hours to the coast just for the day?

Don’t get me wrong; being responsible is good. But there, at least, needs to be balance between the “needs” and “should” with the “wants” and “coulds.” Taking time to feed your soul, follow your heart and let go of your stressors upon occasion is not only healthy, but necessary. And think about it. When you’re happy and relaxed, don’t you find yourself with more flow? Aren’t problems often easier to solve? And, have you ever notice that more opportunities come your way and everything seems more manageable and fun?

It’s easy to straddle the past and the future only to find yourself completely missing the amazing, juicy present overflowing with potential right NOW. Trust me, I know. I used to be the queen of before or later — I still consider myself in recovery.

Here’s your challenge: Just for this week, consider some ways you can choose joy more often; see how it feels. Internalize Parkinson’s law that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” Give a few of those “needs” and “shoulds” a makeover. You could set your timer, work like a crazy woman and then be done with it — yes, I mean let it go, walk out the door, have fun. Or better yet, maybe it’s time to enlist the help of a service to do your laundry or farm out some must-get-completed online tasks to a virtual assistant. Be creative. If you’re looking for some great life hacks, consider reading the book, “The 4-Hour Workweek” by Timothy Ferriss. You might not want to follow all of his examples, but you just may find more than a few ways to get to your life that much faster.

It’s important to take care of business, but it’s also important to remember that some life business is celebrating the moments and not taking our breath, our love, our friends, our lives for granted. I highly recommend embracing your inner Ralph Waldo Emerson who wrote, “Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, and drink the wild air.” Go ahead, delve in, join me, the water’s just fine.

Have an awesome life hack or tip for getting things done? Or perhaps you’re willing to share a story about embracing the moment only to find something miraculous happen. Whatever the case, feel free to comment below or connect with me on Twitter or Facebook.

Miki Markovich is a seeker of beauty and truth, traveler of interesting roads, saver of furry souls, typer of words, iPhone lover and mac head. You can find her on Twitter at @mikimarkovich and @fiveminutezen. If you’re looking to go from pissed to blissed in five minutes flat, find balance or improve the quality of your life through self care, check out her website at fiveminutezen.com.

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