Indiana students demanding prom without gays

Diana Medley, the special education teacher at the forefront of Sullivan High School's anti-gay prom brigade,

Diana Medley, the special education teacher at the forefront of Sullivan High School’s anti-gay prom brigade, is now experiencing serious backlash, including a petition with over 10,000 signatures suggesting her dismissal.


A group of Indiana-based parents, teens and even a teacher is fighting for a separate “traditional” prom that would ban gay students. Special education teacher Diana Medley is defending a group of Sullivan High School students who are arguing in favor of the alternate prom.

Meanwhile, a Facebook page, “Support The Sullivan High School Prom For All Students,” has sprung up in defense of the school’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender student body. Among those to sound off on the news is LGBT activist Dan Savage, who wrote in his blog, “There’s no way to stop the haters at Sullivan High School from holding an independent prom for the special bigoted kids. But here’s what we can do: we can make a noise so loud enough that all the queer kids at Sullivan High School hear it.”

Read more at Huffington Post Gay Voices

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