Hunter Valentine’s Laura Petracca tells all

laura petraccaBY KIM HOFFMAN

“I was born into a family of drummers,” says Hunter Valentine’s resident wild child, Laura Petracca. Making noise in the basement until her parents put her in drum lessons at the age of 8, which lasted a year, she eventually picked up drumming again in high school, heavily influenced by god-like drummers like Led Zeppelin’s late John Bohnam and Keith Moon from The Who. Every time she tried to give it up, it found its way back. It was a chance-meet with Kiyomi McCloskey at a gay bar in Toronto that eventually formed Hunter Valentine. Nine years later, they’re zigzagging across the country in one almighty estrogen-packed van on a national tour. And after the whirlwind introduction into reality TV that was “The Real L Word,” they’ve slated a showcase in Japan at the end of November, and as of this past week, their third studio album “Collide and Conquer” was released.

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