Today, we thought we’d catch up with the United Kingdom’s No. 1 best-selling lesbian fiction author, Kiki Archer, whose latest novel “Lost In The Starlight” is proving a huge hit among lesbian, bisexual and straight readers.
“Lost In The Starlight” hit No. 1 for lesbian fiction in the United Kingdom and Australia, it was in the top three here and in Canada, and it stormed up the mainstream romance charts on your side of the pond, so is your readership driven any longer by their sexuality?
I promote myself as a lesbian fiction author. I write lesbian fiction, i.e. the heroine of the story will always fall for a woman as opposed to a handsome hunk. However my latest two novels were aimed predominantly towards the straight female reader. I have a wonderful lesbian following who know what they’re getting with a Kiki Archer novel: laughs, loves and lesbians. For the straight woman, however, I wanted to show them it’s okay to be curious, it’s okay to read about love between someone other than the tall, dark and handsome business hunk and his quiet and shy, eager to please secretary. Lesbian love and the interactions between women are so deeply fascinating. You get pulled in to their emotional connection. There’s an intrigue that’s appealing more and more to the straight reader regardless of their personal sexuality preference.
So basically (as if us gals over here didn’t know) you don’t have to be a lesbian to enjoy lesbian fiction?
Exactly. Women are notoriously curious in all walks of life, yet there’s been a slight reluctance in the past for some to own up to this in the realms of sexuality for fear of labeling or stigma among friends and partners. Now, however, with greater acceptance and understanding, those women are able to delve into this wonderful world of lesbianism – even if simply through the reading of a novel – and explore the excitement that we’ve been lucky enough to know about for so long.
And what excitement’s in store for the readers of “Lost In the Starlight”?
It’s the story of A-list singing superstar, Honey Diamond, who has it all — the albums, the talent shows, the upcoming Hollywood film. But it’s her gentle light, endearingly shining through all the glitz and glam, that warms the hearts of so many. She a shy girl, who’s only ever known fame, born into a world that’s not true to life. The novel discovers how Honey finally experiences the love she so knowingly sings about. It’s a heartfelt romance peppered with laugh-out-loud humour and warming observations about falling in love.