Festival of the Babes is heaven for lesbian soccer fans

Festival of the Babes LogoBY ABBY SOTO

Think back to a few weeks ago when all of America was glued to their television screens watching Megan Rapinoe advance the ball down the field, lithely dodging Team Japan’s defense. You were sitting there wishing you could be magically transported to London for just one tiny moment.  This weekend was your chance to have even more fun than that – Seattle’s 22nd annual Festival of the Babes – “a soccer tournament for lesbians and those willing to be mistaken for one,” which took place over Labor Day weekend at Maplewood Playfield.

This year 14 teams from far-off lands such as Portland, Ore.,  and Vancouver, B.C. have converged on Seattle to celebrate soccer, lesbians and sportsmanship. The team that most exemplifies the spirit of “FOB-liness- teach(ing) us all the best way to capture that lightness of spirit in the midst of our competitive soccer obsession” will take home the FOB Team Spirit Award.

Read more at TheSeattleLesbian.com

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