So, about those butch-femme bedroom dynamics…
Tagg Magazine
There’s a huge rumor floating around about us femmes that our skills often fall short in the bedroom. I resent the phrase “butch in the streets, femme in the sheets,” which not only leaves a bitter taste in my mouth but also perpetuates inaccurate stereotypes about the intimate relationship between self-expression and sexuality. What does that even mean…femme in the sheets? Just because we’re femmes doesn’t mean we can’t roll up our sleeves, pour on some elbow grease, and put in some hard work under the hood. After all, why should butches get all the fun? Rosie the Riveter is surely riveting in her grave.
It’s not just us femmes who get mislabeled. Even butch women face unfair expectations to deliver once the bedroom door is closed. Well ladies, it’s time we set the record straight and alleviate some of their pressure to perform as well. . If we always expect butch women to bring home the bacon and femmes to provide the dessert, then what makes our relationships any different than that of the mainstream straight world?
Read more at TaggMagazine.com
Tagg Magazine is a print and online resource for LBT women in the DC Metropolitan and Rehoboth, DE areas.