Boom, boom pow: The abundant, confident, no-fail number of wisdom is in the house

Life by the Numbers headerBY MICHELLE ARBEAU
Celebrity Numerologist

The 8th month marks the beginning of the highest change cycle of the year and boy is it going to be one to remember. You’ve waited for this all year and it’s finally here but it may have you scrambling because you’re not sure what to do with it. Freedom could come at a price this month if you’re not ready or willing to handle it in the right way. Even the biggest people-pleaser could find themselves in a heated argument or confrontation while under such a doubtless energy. It’s a month when dreams come true and anything is possible – just be sure you’re in a position to handle that kind of raw power. Otherwise, lean toward the conservative expression first and work up to ballsy.

The first full week of August is starting off with a boom as the highest change number is the theme of Sunday (9). It’s no-holds-barred as you dive head-first into the river of synchronicity. It’s like you’ve stepped into a video game, furiously collecting the power-up hearts and racking up points with ease. Opportunities are flying at you during almost every encounter today. You’ve felt so restrained for the past while that it could lead to moments of giddy insanity as you come to terms with so much wild freedom and space to be/create whatever you want. The downside to the confident 8 is that your “good girl” image is quickly losing it’s believability as you step into your personal power big time. With so much mojo floating around, be careful not to become so overly confident that you ooze an arrogant overtone. Remember, everyone else is feeling the confident 8 too and won’t tolerate such behavior. You may feel like King of the castle but it’s all about balance today. Otherwise, you may find yourself on the outs with much of your posse who won’t stand for you being full of yourself.

New beginnings on a Monday. Need anything more by said? Your motor is running from yesterday’s plunge head-first into the river of synchronicity and abundance and now you get to turn the page into whatever you want to create next. Monday’s vibe is a 1, the trailblazing, pioneering number of new beginnings. As parents say to their children, “use your words” because the success of today lies in what you say, when you say it and how you say it. It doesn’t matter whether or not you turned everyone off with your holier than thou attitude yesterday, you get a chance at redemption today if you’re careful with how you put things. Relationship wise, there’s never been a better day this year to communicate your wants and needs with razor sharp precision. Your partner or date will be super in-sync with your verbal expression today. Even at work, if there’s a coworker you haven’t been able to approach in the right way, today’s the day. They’ll hear you loud and clear – plus you’ve got the confident essence to back you up so they don’t smell any fear.

Here’s your one and only pause this week (possibly for the next two weeks) to take a step back to check yourself before you wreck yourself. The pure 20/2 energy is intuitive and sensitive but while the overtone of the 8 is in the driver’s seat, you may just take the intuitive hunches at face value and misread the signals. Regroup from the first two days of the week and decide whether you can mark yourself “pass” or “fail”. This will determine your course of action over the remaining days of the week. Tuesday is like the safe or neutral zone so know one is judging you except yourself. If you feel that your actions during the first part of the week lean toward selfish and not for the greater good, here’s your moment to set the course in the right direction. Shift your sail so you’re ready for the rest of the week (and month).

Let’s get this party started! The social number combined with this month’s confident flavor has you feeling exceptionally playful this hump day. Not much in the way of progress is happening today so you might as well plan to keep your focus where it will constantly drift today – the social scene. Party like it’s 1999 and don’t have a single regret. You’ve earned this time (and then some) to let your hair down. The only word of caution (could be a doozy): Superficial behavior can get you and others into a whole lot of trouble if you allow it for the next 24 hours. Your mouth will have a mind of it’s own so be careful what you preach. The level of know-it-all arrogance could reach monumental proportions today for many. It’s a battle of the minds under this 3 day’s influence and if you’re not on your game, you could find yourself saying all the wrong things to the wrong people (like being thrown into an episode of mental survivor).

Back to life, back to reality. Gulp … the dreaded aftermath of a purely social-focused day (Wednesday). Whether or not you did or said things you regret yesterday, today affords you the gift of being able to restructure your foundation and right some wrongs. Not only is it a 4 day (solid, stable foundation number), it’s a 22/4 – the Master Builder. You’re king (or queen) of your domain – don’t let a little faux pas or two hold you back. The damage has been done but each day is a new beginning to start anew and build the life you desire. Guided by the strong intuitive voice of the double 2’s (22/4), you just know things are gonna be ok (kick regret to the curb).Your train is back on the tracks and ready to chug along at a steady pace. Soon yesterday’s mishaps will be a scene in the distance behind you. The 4’s motto is always: “Keep movin’ forward.”

Time to shift gears and get serious this Friday. You’ve had your fun and games (and fill of drama) and now here’s where you start to use the abundant, confident, wise and manifesting powers of the 8th month for good instead of evil (aka active progress instead of frivolous, non-productive endeavors). It’s the 5 today, the number of freedom of expression. Ultimately, the 8 is about going after your goals with gusto since it’s the no-fail energy of abundance. Here’s the moment you get to give wings to your most adventurous ideas and plans. The key: confidence. Like the most interesting man in the world (Dos Equis Man), it’s all in his confident swagger. You’ve got the most free-flowing, confident and freedom-seeking energies of all the numbers under your belt today – the 5 (day) and the 8 (month). The phrase, “If you believe it, you can achieve it” applies here. Want your boss to notice all the extra effort you’ve been putting in lately? How about winning over that crush you’ve had your eye on for months? No problem! Rub your genie lamp and make your three wishes today. You can have them all eating out of the palm of your hand.

What goes best with the most abundant energy there is? The creative, visionary 6. Oh the things you can achieve if only you try. Today should have it’s own drum roll because it could potentially be a spring board day to great new heights. Your ideas have been set on fire and your creative powers are almost 3-D, coming to life as you think them. If there was ever a day for feeling like you’re living in a perfect world, it would be today. Talk about no-fail. DO share your ideas any which way you can for the next 24 hours with anyone/anything you think may be able to help give them wings. It’s like the whole world is orchestrating your symphony, helping you bring together all the elements you’ve been diligently collecting over the past many months but have yet to piece together completely. Expect many dots to connect today with great strides made on your longer term goals. For some of the more mental-based thinkers out there, it may be all coming together on an intellectual level first but figuring it out mentally is one hell of an accomplishment in itself (and the most important part of the equation). The action part is more of an automatic reflex after everything clicks on a mental level. The law of attraction says, “What you think about, you bring about.”

Michelle Arbeau is an internationally recognized celebrity numerologist, author, inspirational speaker and radio/TV host. She has a Hollywood clientele base that includes “Twilight” vampires, a “Big Bang Theory” actress, “Pirates of the Caribbean” actor, an NBC director, celebrity stylist and many more.

A media favorite and considered an expert in her field, Michelle is frequently a repeat guest on national outlets such as CBC Radio, CTV Morning Live, Breakfast Television and LA Talk Radio. Her newly released books, “The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration to Manifest the Life You Desire” and “Soul Numbers: Decipher the Message from Your Inner Self to Successfully Navigate Life” are the product of combining her love of numbers with her passion for helping others to find purpose, meaning and joy in life. Learn more at

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